I’ve just finished setting up the app on my NAS (running Ubuntu Server 14.04 with manually compiled mono v3.10.1). As far as I can tell the app runs fine. I do have some Q’s before proceeding with the rest of the setup:
I’ve read here that it can import SB DB - is that true ? If so then please direct me to the correct option, since I can’t seem to find it.
In my SB/SAB config I’m using 2 scripts. One in SAB that (after SAB does it’s work with verification and decompression) moves the episodes/seasons to a specified directory. Second script (actually an app now, but started as a script) runs as a deamon, and recompresses all the episodes using HandBrakeCLI to files that meet my specifications (SD resolution .mkv with variable mp3 sound and h264 at 500kb/s). After the recompression is done it then launches the SB postprocessing routine on the episode/season folder. How to make this work with NzbDrone ? (I allready have over 17k episodes done this way, so I’d like to keep it running like this).
No, the author of that article accidentally used the word “database” instead of “library”. Drone doesn’t read sick beards database, but it is able to scan existing library folders.
One word of caution though, be sure that the filenames have the appropriate quality tag included so drone knows what quality it is.
It’s recommended that you use what we call ‘Completed Download Handling’. This is a feature that queries the sabnzbd api to see what is ready for import. This is significantly better than scanning the sab completed directory since is prevents import of stuff that isn’t finished yet.
In sickbeard you’re probably used to sabToSickbeard, which is used to notify SB that something is ready for import. Although drone does support similar setups, it isn’t recommended.
If you perform the transcoding as part of a sabnzbd post-processing script, drone will not import it until that script finishes. (simply because sabnzbd does not mark the download as complete until it does).
The important part here is that the running pp-script basically blocks import until it’s finished. That way you won’t need to notify drone “This is ready”.
I assume your won’t be using nzbdrone’s ability to download higher quality releases, be sure to configure the Profile properly (SD as Cutoff) to prevent that.
Thank you for your reply. But I think you missunderstood. In my case the processing in SAB takes less than a second - the recompressing script is a deamon that works outside of the SAB postprocessing routine. That way SAB is not blocked by the recompression. So typical use of NzbDrone’s import will not work with my configuration. So, what would the best thing for me here ? I can write my recompression script to do something else after the recompression is done insted of running SB postprocessing procedure (I don’t use the sabToSickbeard script anywhere in my config, but my recompression script after finishing recompression does basically the same thing as that script).
Actually, I understood exactly, which is why I explicitly mentioned how the pp-script is supposed to work so you knew that if you wanted to use CDH you have to find a way to integrate the transcoding in the pp-script.
Otherwise you’re left with the Drone Factory and cannot have CDH enabled.
Ah, then I’ve missunderstood. Sorry.
Integrating reencoding in the postprocesing in SAB was with what I’ve started. But it blocks the whole postprocessing of all other files - so this way didn’t work for me. That’s why I have a daemon script taking care of the reencoding in the background.
Thank you for the link. As I understand correctly that triggers only a procedure that will scan a predefined folder (probably in NzbDrones settings - sorry, not to familiar with those yet). Is there any trigger (json request) that I can use to communicate with the NzbDrone to trigger the scan and also tell it where to look ?
Thank you for your help.
I’ll try to get to rewriting my script during the weekend, and try to get it working with NzbDrone.
BTW. In the first answer you wrote to be sure that the episode names contain quality tags. Is that neccessary ? Or can I set the quality after adding the library ? (none of my 17k episodes contain quality tags - I don’t need them, since they are all the same quality).