Help for the visually disabled

I’m color blind. It sucks to be color blind but it isn’t the worst thing that can happen either. That said when I’m playing COD I have to set it for color blind mode so I don’t shoot my team mates in hardcore matches… because I can’t tell the difference between some shades of red and green.

Do you think it would be possible to have a color blind tag that changes some of the css? Or to make it so that missing and downloaded have a different color than they do now? (Just one of them). They both look green to me. So the result is (LOL) when I look at my calendar I always think something is there when it isn’t (and vice versa).

I know I’m probably the only guy who has ever said anything like this, but I assure you there are other color blind people out there that will benefit. I also promise to love you long time if you make the change. :smile:

Personally I think the option to do a color blind theme would make you guys look more pro. But a quick fix missing = some other color would be more than awesome and only take you a few seconds I bet.

Anyway - regardless - THANK You for this app. It is beyond better than anything out there (believe me I’ve run them all at one time or another) .

Settings/UI/Style/Enable Color-Impaired Mode

Oh slick!! The only problem is it doesn’t work for me :frowning: It’s not cached, I just don’t see a difference…

Taloth - I’m in the exact boat you are. On occasion I can tell the difference if I have them right next to each other but other than that they look the same.

Now that I read the post - I see the stripes. I noticed something was going on with patterns but I thought it was my monitor tweaking out for some reason (I didn’t get a lot of sleep in my defense). Anyway THANK YOU. With the stripes I can tell the difference now. I appreciate the fact that you are color blind and thought of us :smile:


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