Having show title with year


By design, we can define how a new show’s folder is named in the media management options. However, there is a limitation I’d like to be able to overcome. I want the year in my title at all times.

Here’s the problem. Currently, the {Series Title} has the year set in it, only if the show has multiple versions of it, with different years, and it needs the year to be able to properly scrape the data. However, if it’s the first time there was ever a show with that name, it won’t add the year to the series title because it doesn’t need it to scrape data.

This is annoying, merely because of the fact I feel like my folder structure isn’t really standardized. I see myself adding new shows, creating new folders, changing my root folder for my show, and deleting the old folder almost every single time.

I’m wondering if it could be possible to have something like {Series Title w/Year} or something, that would basically ALWAYS add the year to the series title, no matter what.

Let me know if this isn’t clear in any way, and thanks for considering this new feature for future updates.

There is a GHI for that, just not something that has been implemented yet:

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