I’m new to Nzbdrone having just installed it yesterday, having previously been using Sickbeard for a few years. My apologies if the following question is answered elsewhere, I have searched and searched to no avail.
I am wondering if there is a way to download (automatically or manually) episodes that are not associated to a TV show with an ID (tvrage/trakt.tv is it?). I only ask because there is a TV show (Legends) that has no uploaded episodes that have an ID to match, however all episodes are available without an ID for which I could download the nzb and manage the downloads myself - however I would prefer Nzbdrone to get these. I cant recall for sure but I thought Sickbeard was able to get such downloads and didn’t require an ID (I appreciate the tvrage/trakt.tv ID helps make sure its an accurate download, but a fallback would be good).
It’s the job of the indexer to associate the correct tvrageid, it’s better to fix discrepancies there since it would benefit more ppl.
Can you give us an example of the release name that drone is unable to find? And which indexer.
I checked for Legends 2014 S01E07, which has the correct tvrage id on usenet-crawler.
Also make sure you didn’t accidentally add the original (2007) Legends to drone, coz that has a different id.
Drone prefers the name to match, but will fall back to using the tvrage ID in the case it doesn’t match the name. Searching will use the tvrage ID, if thats not set on the indexer properly then the search will fail.
In your case the name will match (drone doesn’t require an exact match), so it would be grabbed.
Oh right, I wonder why its not grabbing or showing any results in manual search then. I have dozens of other shows that are working OK so far, just seems to be this one.
I checked, Oznzb doesn’t have a tvrageid attached to that release. Probably because tvrage has it at “Legends (TNT)” (see http://www.tvrage.com/shows/id-33288)
Dunno if oznzb handles those exceptions via requests on their forum.