Grabbing higher quality releases before the initial quality is downloaded


Is sonarr/nzbdrone supposed to send higher quality releases to the download client even if the initial lower quality release has not yet been downloaded?

I have a very low download speed (1.5 Mb/s), so when a show is initially grabbed in HDTV-720p, I usually leave it paused until a WEB-DL version shows up. I still have it grab the HDTV-720p in case a WEB-DL doesn’t show up for a while and I don’t feel like waiting. Anyway, I just started using sonarr/nzbdrone, and it grabbed the HDTV-720p versions without issue, but never grabbed anything else. Running an automatic search will cause it to find and send the higher quality to the download client.

I’ve double checked and made sure that the cutoff is bluray-1080p and HDTV-720p is set as the lowest quality in the profile.

If the latest event in history for that episode is a grab event, it won’t grab another quality, so by pausing it you are breaking the standard flow.

You should utilize Sonarr’s built in delay capabilities (set per Profile) that will internally queue the download, but not send it to your download client until the delay has expired. Its an advanced option so make sure Advanced Settings are shown.

First will be the best the best fit and will wait X hours after the HDTV 720p release has been posted and grab the best available quality at that time.

I’ll try that, thanks. I figured I was messing up the intended behavior somehow.