Getting constant “[refresheries] change file date” and other errors

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: macOS 10.10.5
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

well, i’m having a few issues.

• i’m constantly getting:
“[refreshseries] Changed file date for 26 files of 26 in Beware the Batman.” the dates are correct and have been for a long time.

• i’ve got a handful of regular series that aren’t updating. sometimes visiting the series and hitting refresh will do it (last week tonight), other times (like today) (star wars resistance), it just seems to spin forever.

• another one of the shows missed an episode last week, so, i can see many search hits on a manual search, but it refuses(?) to load (acts like it does, then, nothing).

can anyone help a medium experienced user out?

Hello, let’s see if I can help :grinning:

Your logs did not show this at all. please do the following:

  1. Either:
    a. wait for an rss refresh to finish, or
    b. temporarily disable rss (set it to 0 in the settings) (don’t forget to turn it back on when you are done)
  2. Change logs to debug mode
  3. Clear your logs (System > Logs > Clear)
  4. Refresh Beware the Batman (Series > Beware the Batman > Refresh)
  5. Change logs back to info
  6. Download and upload all of the logs (not just the Debug one) (including any with numbers in the name) and post the link here (just like you did the first time).

Refresh series only runs every 12 hours; the TVDB gets updated whenever someone updates it; Sonarr can only run 3 concurrent tasks at a time.
So, either of the following could have prevented the series from being updated before you hit refresh (the second would cause it to “spin forever” after you hit it)

  • TheTVDB wasn’t updated until after the previous Refresh Series task (To sort of verify, go to TheTVDB and look at the update time of the episode and go to the tasks page and see when the last refresh series task ran. If the task ran before the update, there is the problem - if you have this problem a lot, you can force start the refresh series task at a better time, and then it will run every 12 hours from then (until the next restart anyway)).
  • The refresh series task is waiting on other tasks (if you added and/or searched for 3 or more large series, for example, or basically any 3 long running items have stacked up in the task queue). (To verify, look at the tasks page: scroll down the page and look for moving circles, clocks, or anything else that are not checkmarks. Also look at your times, if you have something that looks like runs: every minute;last run:6 hours ago. something is holding up your queue). If this is the problem, hopefully you can just wait for the tasks to finish, otherwise you have to run some commands directly against the database).

I don’t know what you mean by this. Does the manual search window not pop up?
Also, does this show have a history of not downloading?
(the task queue getting bogged down can also cause the rss not to run, and if you turn Sonarr off when you are not using it, it won’t see anything added to an rss feed, of course)

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