Getting a NzbDroneErrorPipeline in the logs... should I be worried?

Basically what the title says, I’ve copied and pasted the full logs here:

I’ve only seen it once so far and it was after a recent system crash on Windows 10. Is this something I need to worry about?

Sonarr’s logging database is corrupt and will need to be deleted so Sonarr can recreate it.

It should be located in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone

Alright, so what should I do? turn off sonarr and make sure it isnt running and then delete logs.db or nzbdrone.db?

I also have the same error but this time the message says, “[GET /api/log]: database disk image is malformed
database disk image is malformed”

Stop Sonarr, delete logs.db, start Sonarr should do it.

Sounds good! Thanks!

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