Get it to stop downloading rar'd content

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Debug logs: Shouldn’t be needed
Description of issue: Is there a setting somewhere that I can flip to get it to stop grabbing multi-file rar’d content? Or is there a way for it to unrar the file and move it on it’s own?

Also, I have it set up to remove from the source after it’s copied after a certain amount of time but it’s not doing that, so I keep having to go into it every day and clean up the completed downloads.

Let me know, thanks.

No, that comes down to the indexers you’re using.

No, this is something you’d need to do in your download client.

That’s going to depend on exactly how you set it up and whether Sonarr actually imported it yet. v3 has improvements in this area.

Alright thanks.

You mention v3, I appear to be on v2. Is there a good upgrade path? I just installed this and set it up not too long ago and I thought I had the latest version.

It’s beta, but backup and it won’t be a problem if the upgrade doesn’t go smoothly, install info is on

Ah yeah that’s probably why I didn’t grab it, because it’s still in beta. I like to run the latest stable versions of things.

Alright, thanks for your help, I appreciate it. It would be nice to have a setting to skip those rar’d releases, like, maybe a switch to skip when it has more than 5 or 6 files, but I don’t know if there’s a way to see the content before adding it to the download client.

Don’t think you can see the content before adding.

I don’t know if it’s possible due to the way torrents work and which client you’re using, but if you can run scripts in your download client when a torrent is added: maybe you could run a script to check what kind of files are in the torrent, and mark it as failed when appropriate. Sonarr will then see that it failed and try another one…

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