Future episodes not monitored and not showing in calendar as a result

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux (lsiodev sonarr-preview docker)
Description of issue:
Future episodes seem to be unmonitored when I add shows and when I manually edit the series to monitor all episodes. Is this expected behavior in v3? It appears that this also causes episodes to not show up in the calendar since they are not monitored.

Let me know if there are any specific logs I should provide or actions I should take if relevant.

Edit: Renamed the post as it used one from a previous draft on accident :\

The default monitored state is selected when adding the series, this behaviour is no different than in v2. I have no seen it ignore that option when adding a series and without trace logs to the contrary we can’t investigate.

When I manually edit it to monitor all episodes should it monitor unaired ones as well?

Edit: For example, I have a show that is monitored but all future episodes are unmonitored. Under season pass I select that show, tell it to monitor all episodes, and it does not change them to monitored.

Edit 2: Testing unmonitoring the specific season and then switching it back to monitored in season pass does in fact monitor all those episodes. Using the bulk edit tool in season pass to try this does not produce the same results.

This is very easy to replicate:

  • Unmonitor all episodes in a series with the bulk tool on season pass
  • Then monitor all episodes using the bulk tool (unreleased episodes stay unmonitored)
  • Unmonitor just that season with unreleased episodes my clicking monitor icon for that specific season
  • Clicking that same icon for the season monitor the whole season (all episodes will be monitored

Given your edit I assume you mean with Season Pass. With All it looks like v2 has the same behaviour where future episodes are not monitored.

Where you’re “editing” it is important, as is knowing whether you mean when the series is added or after the fact.

Sorry about that, I haven’t retested when I add a series, I’ll give that a look but its likely I did something wrong then.

So it is expected to not monitor future episodes using the bulk tool to monitor “all” in the season pass?

Forgot to finish my thought there, no expected, just a long term bug. Using Future then All will work around it for now.

It appears that selecting “future episodes” fails to mark unreleased episodes as monitored. It only monitors the season while leaving the episodes unmonitored.

Yeah, that’s broken as well, possibly the same underlying issue and it affects v2 as well.

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