Function like SB's "manual post process"?

I have some episodes that i have gotten from other sources than SABnzbd and i have placed them in the same folder as the other downloads go (the drone factory-folder) but nothing happens. Why?

In nzbdrone i have 4 of 5 seasons of tv show “X” and in the “drone factory” folder i have the complete season 1 witch i am missing. I have verified that the files in season 1 meets the quality, because i have created a new profile called “any” witch has all elements in it.

Now what?

Never mind. The episodes was named wrong.

Sounds like you got it sorted, but for anyone else:

NzbDrone would either need to find the episodes in a folder with the series title and the files in that folder (with season and episode number on the files). Or the files need to be directly in the drone factory folder, with the series title and proper numbering.

NzbDrone doesn’t have a button to force scan because it runs that scan every minute.

There is a card on Trello to let you see why a particular file/folder is not being processed.