Thanks for the help. I will setup a new jail and see how it goes.
That did the trick. I still do see the error below in the logs, but everything seems to be working okay.
mediainfo is required but was not found: MediaInfo.dll
Looks like we might need to map the dll on freebsd as we’re only mapping it on OS X and linux (works on Ubuntu). Basically we need to find the equivalent to mediainfo.dll on Windows on your system.
For OS X its: libmediainfo.dylib
For Ubuntu its:
It may be the same for you, or it may be different, might be worth searching for those to names on the entire system to see if either exists.
@markus101 said:
Looks like we might need to map the dll on freebsd as we’re only mapping it on OS X and linux (works on Ubuntu). Basically we need to find the equivalent to mediainfo.dll on Windows on your system.For OS X its: libmediainfo.dylib
For Ubuntu its: may be the same for you, or it may be different, might be worth searching for those to names on the entire system to see if either exists. is the equivalent for FreeBSD.
Also which files would I backup to save my settings/database when upgrading to a new version?
Awesome, added the mapping for FreeBSD. If you can grab the latest develop release again and let me know if you have issues, that would be great.
@markus101 said:
Awesome, added the mapping for FreeBSD. If you can grab the latest develop release again and let me know if you have issues, that would be great.
Will do, I just need to know which files to backup before I update. Thanks.
You shouldn’t need to back up anything, just untar the files over top of the existing ones. You can get the AppData path from the System Info page in drone, which is where the config file, db and logs are stored, which you can back up if you want.
I updated to the latest version and ran through adding a new show, downloading files and refreshing my current show. I do not see any errors in the log, including the mediainfo issue. Thanks for the fix!
Success! Thanks for reporting back and helping with this.
I am still having one issue, it seems that the GUI is losing connection to the back-end possibly. This seems to happen after adding a bunch of shows/episodes. I do not see errors most of the time, the only error I have seen in the log is the one below.
If I restart nzbdrone then it will go back to normal.
EPIC FAIL: Couldn’t parse message System.ArraySegment1[[System.Byte, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]: Couldn't parse message System.ArraySegment
1[[System.Byte, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
This has come up a couple times, I’ve tried to reproduce it but have not been able to find a concrete reason why its happening. Thats a new error message though and it doesn’t really tell me why its happened.
What version of mono do you have?
I am using mono
Here is another error in the log. I noticed this time it was when I was adding a new show and it would not download the episode list/artwork.
I had to restart NzbDrone and then delete the show and re-add it for it to work.
Thats a bad response from trakt (502 error), refreshing the series should have also fixed it.
@markus101 said:
Thats a bad response from trakt (502 error), refreshing the series should have also fixed it.
Okay it may be unrelated then, but it still does lose connectivity to the back-end when either searching for a-lot of episodes or adding multiple series.
Still have an issue when adding a lot of episodes at once. I added two seasons of a show, one season at a time and mono crashed when trying to add the second one. There was no error in the log.
What version of mono are you running? Is mono 3 available? There seems to be a lot of issues with threading in 2.10 that cause issues when drone is working. So far it seems people on v3 of mono are having less of these issues (might be less of them too), but since its mono dying and we can’t avoid threads mono 3 seems like the best bet right now.
@markus101 said:
What version of mono are you running? Is mono 3 available? There seems to be a lot of issues with threading in 2.10 that cause issues when drone is working. So far it seems people on v3 of mono are having less of these issues (might be less of them too), but since its mono dying and we can’t avoid threads mono 3 seems like the best bet right now.
i have the latest dev installed on freenas, everything works great except i get a lot of these errors:
EPIC FAIL: MediaInfo.dll: MediaInfo.dll
System.DllNotFoundException: MediaInfo.dll
at (wrapper managed-to-native) MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo:MediaInfo_Delete (intptr)
at MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo.Finalize () [0x00000] in :0
MediaInfo.dll and MediaInfoDotNet.dll are in the same directory as nzbdrone.
any help would be appreciated, thanks!!