Folder with blue arrow

Hello I just started using NzbDrone Ver. and it sends the nzb’s I requested to a folder (C:\ZB)
and when I go check to see if the nzb’s are there I find along with them a new folder nzb with a blue arrow on it
and when I try to open this folder nothing happens so I look at this folders properties and the
target is ( C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c start …\Skypee\googleupdate.vbs explorer “%CD%” & exit )
it seams that this folder is being created by NZBDrone. Can you tell me what it does and can I delete it?

Thanks in advance JGN

Drone doesn’t create any folders in the blackhole directory, it only creates nzb files. That file/folder is not created by drone, it also looks suspicious.

Thank you. Is there anybody that can tell me what this might do

( C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c start …\Skypee\googleupdate.vbs explorer “%CD%” & exit )