[Fixed : Jackett Uptate] Sonarr can't download from automatic or manual but is abble to find .torrent file and peer

Hi everybody I first want to say sory for my bad english (I’m french) but I need some help with sonarr for automatic download.

My config :
NAS synology DS414j
OS : DSM 6.1.6-15266
Sonarr Ver.
Mono Ver.

I use Jackett to find torrent files trom french public trackers (3 trackers have the logo Ok while running test)

My sonarr is abble to find torrent files so ie guess my jackett is well configured but when I try do download in automatic it doesnt work.

When I go in Activity I see some episodes I want to download but there is no progression bar. On the left on every single line there is a yellow Hardrive. See the picture bellow

I also can’t download in manual

For sonarr log :

Automatic :


Manual :


I’ve search to change some settings in download clients my settings may be bad but with other settings I have no torrent files in Activity pannel.


Thanks for the ones can help me.

(hope this time I’m in the right section ^^ )

Jackett is telling Sonarr that the torrent was not found. Do Jackett’s logs provide more details? Sonarr’ debug/trace logs may have more information.

The error message in your screenshot explains the issue, Sonarr sees it in your torrent client, but Sonarr can’t handle it.

That’s what I don’t understand… sonarr see in my torrent client “there is a torrent” but jackett don’t find the torrent?

I didn’t saw jackett’s logs…so much red is pretty bad :d

Details from Sonarr : (Copy plaste) (I hope it’s what you call “debug/trace logs”

*http client

message : HTTP Error - Res: [GET] http://localhost:9117/dl/torrent9/?jackett_apikey=(removed)&path=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&file=The+Walking+Dead+S08E14+HDTV+VOSTFR+: 404.NotFound

*Transmission :

message :
Downloading torrent file for episode 'The Walking Dead S08E14 HDTV VOSTFR ’ failed since it no longer exists (http://localhost:9117/dl/torrent9/?jackett_apikey=(removed)&path=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&file=The+Walking+Dead+S08E14+HDTV+VOSTFR+): HTTP request failed: [404:NotFound] [GET] at [http://localhost:9117/dl/torrent9/?jackett_apikey=3hkbebfatypjneuu1ue42dd5ufzz4p0h&path=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&file=The+Walking+Dead+S08E14+HDTV+VOSTFR+]

Exception :
NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpException: HTTP request failed: [404:NotFound] [GET] at [http://localhost:9117/dl/torrent9/?jackett_apikey=3hkbebfatypjneuu1ue42dd5ufzz4p0h&path=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&file=The+Walking+Dead+S08E14+HDTV+VOSTFR+]
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00128] in <6d548036160a49ed8e2657c617163f50>:0
at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00007] in <6d548036160a49ed8e2657c617163f50>:0
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TorrentClientBase`1[TSettings].DownloadFromWebUrl (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, System.String torrentUrl) [0x00024] in <9b8bbe29888f49229914613e26af4aa5>:0

*Process download decision :

Failed to download release from indexer, no longer available. The Walking Dead S08E14 HDTV VOSTFR

For each DL the 3 previous steps and message appears with differents modification (note the same file).
I posted it on Github issue (wrong place) a guy (edit: It was you ahah) tell me that may come from Jackett but I don’t understant how… the test button saying “ok”

Thanks a lot for help. :grinning:

The torrent client is not an issue here, because it’s not even getting that far. This is what’s happening, Sonarr searches and gets results from Jackett, finds a release it wants then tries to get it from Jackett, Jackett attempts to get it from the indexer and that fails, then Jackett tells Sonarr it failed and that’s what you’re seeing in the logs (for both Jackett and Sonarr).

This is not an issue with Sonarr, but with Jackett/the indexer, it looks like the URL Jackett is using to fetch the torrent may be wrong (maybe the site changed it), Jackett will need to look into the issue to fix it.

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Jackett had a update like 10 min ago… everything is working fine. No more issues with sonarr.

Thanks again Markus for explain me what problems I encountered, we can close the topic :grinning::vulcan_salute::+1:

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