Finding and downloading. but not sorting due to name

A couple of seasons of shows get fetched and downloaded. For one it’ll download and unpack but the name is just initials, not the name of the show. And since this is the first nzb in the list, even it I tell it to grab it again it graves graves he same one because I sucesfully downloaded It. But couldn’t rename or move it.

Any way around this? Or do I just have to go into each episode and manually select one?

Love sonarr!

Whats the actual file name? As long as the folder is properly named it should import fine as long as the episodes inside have a valid season/episode number in them (the title doesn’t matter).

debug logs would be helpful to see what Sonarr is processing and why its rejecting them.

Folder is rsg-utd-s01e01-720

Inside that is another folder but its name is a date 27.04.2014

And inside that is the .mkv file but with the same name as the folder, its the date . I’ll post logs when I can.

This is under the dome s1

Same kinda deal with black sails. But the initial folder name looks good, inside that is hashed and inside that is the .mkv but the name is hashed.


Hashed inside hashed is an issue, but that naming for that folder is likely the issue.

What’s the best way to ignore this or tell it to skip it if I see it?

It finds it and downloads it. But can sort it. So it just finds the exact same one again because it didn’t fail…?

If I do a force search all in wanted.


Rename it so imports or blacklist the release (in history).