Is it possible to filter results, perhaps to a particular user?
For example: There doesn’t seem to be a direct EZTV rss feed working, but the EZTV user uploads on are wuite complete. I would like to setup my Indexer to use but only search that user’s uploads:
If there’s a better known way to get consistent results from a single dist/release group, I’m open to that as well. I’ve just had a terrible time with the default settings for grabbing releases that have no seeds.
something like this would suffice. Make sure you tag whatever shows with “tv” for this to apply to them, you can do so by clicking on a show and pressing edit.
Is there any way to further filter it?
I currently just have 2 “must contains” in there, one for eztv and one for x264, which is the preferred encoding for me.
Unfortunately, it sees one or the other, and grabs the first one that comes up as long as one of the tags is there. Which most of the time works out well for me, but occasionally an XviD release shows up first.
Basically, what I think I’m looking for is making the x264 mandatory, and then giving it a list of releases, like eztv, ettv, vtv, etc.
is there any reasonable way to do this? Or is the best way to just blacklist xvid, I guess?
Require words are OR when they are part of the same restriction, but AND if they come from a separate one, so create a second rule with the same category.