Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: FreeNAS 11.2-U5 Debug logs: Description of issue: Files are downloaded but not renamed or moved.
I guess I’m not sure if this is a SABnzbd or Sonarr issue.
I can get files to download to my …/media/usenet/tvdownload/ directory with SABnzbd but they are not renamed and moved into my …/media/TV/ directory.
Sonarr is giving me the following error:
Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /mnt/media/usenet/tvdownload/…
Currently I have to rename and move files myself with is a major PITA.
Different paths that what Sonarr has access to, either your jails/docker containers need to have the same path (SAB and Sonarr) or you need to setup a remote path mapping in Sonarr.
So, Sonarr know where to put the final (renamed) download from the path shown from the Edit series icon on the show. This basically /media/TV/{Series Title}/. Is the forward slash required? Some of my shows have it, and some don’t.
Sonarr Media Management tab defines how the final shows should be named. Rename Episodes is set to Yes.
The Sonarr Download Client is Sabnzbd with the Category test to tv.
Sonarr needs a way to get to that path, same as SAB needs to it to be able to save it there, I don’t really see how you’re mapping that path to a path outside of the jail because neither you source or destination paths for the SAB jail match.