File Management - Ignore Deleted Episodes

“Episodes deleted from disk are automatically unmonitored by Sonarr”

When toggled on, Is this a general statement or does the deletion have to be done by Sonarr for this to hold true? It would appear that deleting the episode manually (not from within Sonarr) doesn’t automatically unmonitor the file after download completes.

I’m reading this as once the file has completed download, Sonarr should simply unmonitor the file, even if the file has been deleted. Am I misunderstanding?

When deleting outside sonarr:
sonarr scans the disk regularly. With this option enabled, it will “see” that the episode is missing during the next scan, and unmonitor it.
I think it runs every 12 hours.

When deleting from within sonarr, the episode will immediately be unmonitored.

Thanks for the quick reply.

I’ll run some more tests, but I haven’t been able to confirm that this actually takes place on my end. File completes, my own scripts kick in which deletes the download, and over 24 hours later, the file is still monitored (thus redownloads accordingly).

If I remember correctly, Sonarr must first “see” the episode on disk. As you are directly deleting the file it messes with the ignore deleted routine. I think marcus said in an other thread is should have been present during an checkdisk.

Sonarr needs to see a sorted episode and know there was an episode. A completed download that wasn’t imported by Sonarr will not be considered to have an episode file until it rescans the disk and sees it, if it was deleted before Sonarr ever saw the file then Sonarr won’t unmonitor.

If Sonarr is doing the sorting then it will immediately see it as imported and it can be deleted at any time and the next disk scan will mark it as unmonitored (assuming the option is set to ignore deleted episode files).

Can I alter the disk scan interval so that Sonarr is more likely to see that the file has successfully downloaded? Rather than 12 hour cycles, perhaps 1 hour cycles?

No, but you could use the API to tell Sonarr to rescan a particular series.

You can get the series ID from the series endpoint:

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