I’m using DOCKER version of SONARR.
Package Version by linuxserver.io
I had Sonarr running before my NAS got mangled. But I seem stuck. I click on the file I want Sonarr to download. It gets downloaded and Moved over to the Completed folder all just fine. But after that, it’s just stuck. I get a Red Status for my trouble that says:
Import failed: PAR Status: NONE - Unpack Status: SUCCESS - Move Status: SUCCESS - Script Status: NONE - Delete Status NONE - Mark Status: NONE
I got Radarr going just fine after I figured out the settings, but Sonarr is fighting me. I don’t know if it’s something with NZBGet? Again it’s working just fine with Radarr right now. So this Import failed seems to be the issue. NZBGet is also running as a Docker and so is Radarr.
I’m stumped currently. The Permissions seem to be OK as far as I cal tell. Maybe it’ll come to me in time, but I’m out of ideas currently.