I am trying to have nzbdrone put my series into season folders but am having some issues getting it set up properly. I have season folders set up and enabled (both in the file handling and on the individual series’ settings).
What I want is for each episode to be placed in a directory like this:
d:\tvshows\Show Example\Season 1\Show.Example.S01E01.720p.mkv
Currently what is happening is that nzbdrone is placing each epsode in its own folder like this:
I have other episodes already in the folder and I’ve had no issues getting nzbdrone to find and list them in the interface. As the episode is downloading, it keeps track of it and then just sits at 100% downloaded and doesn’t finish working with the file. If I move the file itself (not the folder) to my Drone Factory folder (somewhere else completely) it will grab it and toss it in the correct place, complete with the proper renaming rules applied.
I have a feeling I’m simply missing a setting. I’m using sabnzbd and have the appropriate sorting turned off. Sab seems to be doing everything correctly, but I’ll be triple checking the settings there to ensure that it is not the issue. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
edit: added clarity to file paths/names
edit2: I had a thought that maybe I need to have Sab put the completed downloads in the Drone Factory folder?
Do you enable ‘use season folders’ when adding a new show?
Another thought is your folder setup. I recommend you have a folder for each part of the process. For files that are currently downloading I have them sent to d:\incomplete. For files that are completed I have them sent to d:\needs sorted. Keep in mind these are both settings within Sab.
Within Nzbdrone, I have the Drone Factory look to the d:\needs sorted folder. When I add a new show, the default path is d:\TV Shows. Nzbdrone then automatically adds a folder for each show and for each season within the show.
Do you have a setup similar to this?
I think so –
I’m going to test it with a couple new settings based on what you said. I believe that I misunderstood the capabilities of nbzdrone – I thought it would automatically grab the completed file from anywhere but it looks like I’ll need to have Sab toss the completed file into the drone directory.
Offhand with nzbdrone parse folders within the drone factory folder (say, if a downloaded file is nested a couple directories deep sue to improper scene standard adherence?
Thanks again!
That I am not sure of, I haven’t come across anything like that as of yet.
You actually don’t want to use the drone factory folder, instead let drone talk to SAB and use completed download handling. You would want to sue Drone factory to import files that you grabbed manually via torrents, or off a USB drive from a friend (something like that).
As @ClarkGriswold00 pointed out in suggesting to use separate folders, the issue is SAB is naming those folders and drone isn’t moving them because they are under the “Root folder” the folder that contains you sorted series. Drone doesn’t touch them to avoid possible conflicts.
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Markus101 – Thank you, this worked for me – moving the directories around so everything is their own (not the root of my sorted directory or the Drone Factory either). Thanks a ton for the help!