File deletion in History references new file, not old one

Eh… marking as feature request… not really a bug since nothing is “broken”, and it’s been in develop for a while now and I didn’t notice until now.

When drone deletes a file because it has downloaded a better one and is replacing the old one, you get an “episode file deleted” event in the History, to indicate that the old file was deleted. Very neat and all, I like it a lot.
However, if you look at the details, it shows you the new file with better quaility.

Reason: File was deleted to imported an upgrade

I just thought it was a bit odd, as I would expect it to tell me the name of the old file that was deleted. Not sure if there’s a technical reason (e.g. when you delete the file you don’t know the details anymore since you’re deleting it from the database as well)?

I just freaked out for a couple of seconds, thinking “oh god it has deleted the new file for some reason” :wink:

nice catch, will take a look at it.

I tried to reproduce this, but wasn’t able to.

This is taken from my live install running:

Grabbing the repack:

Deleting the existing episode:

Importing the new episode:

@markus101 I looked at it again now that I’m home, it seems it was an upgrade of the same quality (regular episode to extended episode, both bluray). Other entries are indeed as you describe, e.g. perfectly fine.

So mark this one as picnic, and sorry for the trouble.

LOL, picnic is a new one to me, PEBKAC is what I typically call it. Or an I-D-10-T error.

That makes sense though, same quality = same file name. Glad it wasn’t actually a bug, but I did find two other issues in my testing (unrelated), so it wasn’t a total loss.

Yeah, my boss started to pick up on pebkac and ID10T, so I can’t use those anymore at work :wink:
Anyway, glad to somehow still be of help for discovering unrelated bugs…