File being parsed as something completely different

As you can clearly seen in the picture below… the source file was for s01e01… but it got parsed as s01e01e04… i have no idea how… there is another separate file for the s01e04… and in the end the import process is a complete failure … forcing me to just delete the folder as i can no longer tell which is what…

I manually copied the files to the season folder. Did a force recheck. It found the episodes correctly then i renamed them. Little extra work on my side but i got that part. I thought i’d post this to know what is causing it and to avoid such future problems. Unless this is a show specific problem due to bad metadata from TVDB etc.

Looks like the scene and TheTVDB differ on what each episode is so its been mapped on which is the cause of the import confusion.

Looking at I see scene s01e01 mapped to s01e04, but not all 4 episodes, unless it was changed recently that looks like an issue (not sure if its Sonarr or though). I’ll have to take a look.

If you want to bypass mapping just drop it in the sorted series folder and it will use the numbering of the file and not the mapping.