If you have thought of a great feature that NzbDrone is missing you can help us out by first checking if its already been requested here: http://trello.nzbdrone.com/
We have diffrent tracks in trello which lists all the requested features/Issue and will tell you what state its in, usually one of these:
- New - New request, likely we haven’t see it yet
- Low Priority - Work has not yet started, considered accepted but pretty low in priority list
- Medium Priority - Work hasn’t started, considered accepted with medium priority
- High Priority - Work will start on it ASAP
- In Progress- Dev team has started work on item. it should be done pretty soon
- Done - Coming to an update near you!
If the feature has already been requested you can vote or comment in it there. If its a new feature that’s not listed, please create it on Trello, if you want to discuss it, or publicize it more, you can open a post here as well. If we have any questions we’ll comment on the issue or reply on the forums.
Typically we try to make comments on Trello about the implementation plans or sometimes its just comments for ourselves later, if we have an idea that can extend whats there. We also try to use votes to gauge interest, so if you’re interested vote and if you have something to add, also comment.
If you have any questions about Trello, please let us know.