Fake Transmission categories' (read: folders) prefixed with a "." dot

Can this be changed? Such not being desirable on system which include Apple as they are seen as .dot folders are seen as hidden.

No, this was intentional to avoid conflicting with another folder.

In my case, I have a dedicated downloads folder split into categories without anything in the top level, as I imagine is common. This is a setting the user is given - I feel like it’s on your head at that point to avoid conflicts. As SimonW500 points out, on Unix systems, this is a real pain as the leading . has meaning.

If this really can’t change, an even more useful feature would be to just flat-out let us specifiy the path to pass to transmission. It seems odd I can specify the mapping by giving that exact folder, but can’t specify that folder as the download path.

Edit: As a quick note to anyone who wants a workaround, I went for the obvious answer and symlinked tv to .tv - quick and dirty, but it does the job.

@markus101 Where we originally designed the transmission proxy we were under the impression that CP also added the . prefix and wanted to be consistent.
When I realized that wasn’t the case, it was too late, didn’t want to mess up existing installs.
But could do a migration to add the . to existing installs settings and remove it hardcoded.

For me it’s simply the case that in going by past experience and even with the best intentions etc these folders invariably end up with remnants of junk in them (sometimes harmless, sometimes, large in size, sometimes conflicting with retries) and therefore it is desirable to take a peak in them every so often and manually cleanup if needed. With them being .dot_folders this means they are hidden from the OSX GUI thus, while of course still possible, a bit of a pain to quickly look in them and clean out.

Agree a good way forward would be to replace the hardcoded “.” to prefixing the settings variable with a “.” (=same result) and which can then be easily modified by the user if they so wish.

Its more that the files on disk are in the subfolder, less about the name stored isn’t it? I assume we store “tv” not “.tv”.

I think we should fix it, doesn’t make sense to be hidden on every OS by default.