Failed to Update Scene Mappings

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 7 x64
Debug logs (posted to hastebin or similar): available upon request
Description of issue: Scene mappings have not updated for a few months - didn’t affect downloads before but now it seems to get the wrong files based on the new scene standards (mkv doesn’t necessarily mean it’s 720/1080p hd anymore).
The first line of the error is something I couldn’t find anywhere in help/support online:

Failed to Update Scene Mappings:: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0.

Any thoughts?

They’re pretty much always required and are being requested when you opened this thread… You posted a screenshot of them as well, just not able to copy paste things from it.

Scene mappings are the different names, nothing to do with quality.

Means the server returned something unexpected, HTML instead of JSON probably, I just tested it and its working fine and has been for months, so if its failing to update with that same error constantly, either something you’re using to connect (VPN or proxy) is causing issues or you were blocked by their server, at some point I know they were blocking IPs that were exhibiting odd behaviour and wasting a lot of their bandwidth, if you can rue out your side it’d be worth reaching out to them on IRC.

I believe your last point is spot-on. It stopped working 3 months ago, around the same time I found out one of the computers on the network was being used in a botnet. I killed it but our IP is still the same. Damn… Thanks anyways. Would not updating the scene mappings have any ill effect on the long-run?

Reach out to them if you want to confirm and they can lift the ban as well.

It would affect grabbing anime shows and would also cause scene numbering to fail so any shows where TheTVDB and the groups that release the episodes disagree would not be grabbed.

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