Failed downloads that are retried in SAB are ignored

I’m new to nzbdrone , coming from sickbeard. I’ve successfully imported all my shows but for some reason my show are failing in Sab, either due to propagation or takedowns, either way, it’s retrying as it should but after that I’m not sure what’s happening, it doesn’t seem to be trying new nzbs.

I’m on my ipad just now but I’ll get onto my pc and upload some logs.
My settings are as follows.
I have omg, dog and nzbgeek enabled.

Grace period - 2
Retry Interval - 20
Retry count - 6


Log here.

Are there other nzbs available; not the same nzb from a different indexer, another release, likely in a different quality. I explained how it works in this thread with the same issue:

Thanks for the reply.
On nzbgeek, they must do some sort of internal upload that never seemed to get flagged,
so for example,

then a few moments later, this appears

Shouldnt nzbdrone try that release if the first one gets blacklisted?

Yes, it would, as they are named differently, your logs don’t even show it getting to that point because it will retry 6 times (every 20 minutes), once that timer expires it will grab another release.

That’s very weird then that nzbdrone can’t see that specific release. Do you think that’s an error on my end?

EDIT : Its picking up the nzbgeek specific uploads from other tv shows but it cant see Forever.US.S01E03.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION-NZBgeek, but looking at the nzbdrone calendar, that episode says it isnt aired until tomorrow?

Do you see it in a manual search? Its possible that file is not on the RSS feed, so drone won’t find it automatically (though it should have when the the failed release was blacklisted).

No I cant see it on manual search either. Must be an RSS feed problem then.
I’ll have to wait for web-dl upload in that case, they are generally uploaded within 24hrs of original release. would be nice ( and quicker ) if the nzbgeek release could be grabbed though.

It can’t be grabbed if its not visible to drone, sounds like an issue on nzbgeek’s side (missing tvrage ID maybe).

what exactly does Sabnzbd No items with the correct title, mean?

SabnzbdNo items with the correct title. Couldn’t get the new nzoid.11:12pm
FailedDownloadService[The_Driver.1x02.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV] Download Failed, initiating retry attempt 2/3.11:12pm
RssSyncServiceRSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 300, Reports grabbed: 011:01pm

SAB’s retry didn’t re-queue the file, instead it tried to post process the file again, which drone failed to understand and it failed. I just fixed this today in develop, but its going to be a bit before its public (in master).

Thanks for that. Im currently using torrent branch, although Ive decided not to use torrents for now, is there anyway I can switch to develop branch from torrent branch without any hiccups to give this a whirl?

Should be safe to switch, not a lot difference between the two. Just change the branch to develop. It won’t fix this issue, but should prevent it from recurring.

Thanks mate. I appreciate you replying and helping me out.

got this again on recent download
No items with the correct title. Couldn’t get the new nzoid.
[Peaky_Blinders.2x01.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV] Download wasn’t grabbed by drone or not in a category, ignoring download.

im running develop branch

Can you pastebin all the logs around those two events?

I’ll see if I’ve still got them thanks. I didn’t have debug log on though I don’t think

I dont know if thats any good to you?

Whats the version number of drone? This shouldn’t happen any more, but I want to confirm the version before so I make sure I’m looking at the right place.

But I suspect there was a recent update today? This happened last night so maybe thats the problem?