Failed Download not working?

Im on

Was trying to work out why a failed download wasn’t getting handle (archive has password)

and I found this in the log:

14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. wentworth - S02E04
14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Wentworth.s02e04.PDTV.x264.Hector
14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV
14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DRONE
14-6-11 22:31:23.5|Debug|FailedDownloadService|Download was not grabbed by drone, ignoring.

seems fair to me… however, it shows in Drone/Missing as “Downloading 100%”, and I presume if it has completed it would of been imported into Drone?

Would be good to have more a mark or asterisk or similar in the Queue/Missing screens to show it wasn’t added to SAB by Drone so that its easier to handle the failed download manually OR even have a option to allow Drone to handle these downloads that were not added by Drone

Hope that makes sense

For a successful download its not an issue, so we don’t want to highlight that its been grabbed manually (doesn’t improve anything, just adds clutter).

For a failed download drone doesn’t have a lot of the information it uses to later ensure its blacklisting the correct nzb, so it could lead to incorrectly blacklisting nzbs with the same name in the future.

At this point we don’t plan to blacklist nzbs not grabbed by drone, but we’ll give it some thought.

Hi, I just had a failed download that has the “Download was not grabbed by drone, ignoring.” but it was definately grabbed by drone, but not automatically, it was due to a manual search. I gather that drone would have enough info to handle failed downloads on those?

Does the ID of the SAB item match the grabbed history ID?

You can get the ID in SAB by hovering over the item in SAB’s history.

You can check the ID in drone by clicking the history details ‘i’ (right side) on the history table, it will be shown in the modal (popup).

aha, No they don’t

Drone: Download Client ID: SABnzbd_nzo_acpxns

SAB: name=SABnzbd_nzo_jhrl0j

Log from Drone:

{“action_line”:"",“show_details”:“True”,“script_log”:"",“meta”:null,“fail_message”:“Unpacking failed, unable to find The_Field_Of_Blood.2x01.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV.part15.rar”,“rating_avg_video”:0,“loaded”:false,“id”:20,“size”:“732 MB”,“category”:“nzbdrone”,“pp”:“D”,“retry”:1,“completeness”:0,“script”:“None”,“nzb_name”:“The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV.nzb”,“download_time”:1149,“storage”:“d:\\Temp\\zbDroneTemp\\_FAILED_The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV.1”,“rating_avg_audio”:0,“has_rating”:true,“status”:“Failed”,“script_line”:"",“completed”:1402751530,“rating_user_audio”:null,“nzo_id”:“SABnzbd_nzo_jhrl0j”,“rating_avg_vote_down”:0,“downloaded”:767476366,“report”:"",“path”:“D:\\DL\\ZB\\The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV”,“rating_user_video”:null,“postproc_time”:15,“name”:“The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV”,“url”:“The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV”,“rating_user_vote”:null,“bytes”:767476366,“rating_avg_vote_up”:0,“url_info”:"",“stage_log”:[{“name”:“Download”,“actions”:[“Downloaded in 19 minutes 9 seconds at an average of 652 KB/s
1 articles were missing”]},{“name”:“Source”,“actions”:[“The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV”]},{“name”:“Unpack”,“actions”:["[The_Field_Of_Blood.2x01.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV] Unpacking failed, unable to find The_Field_Of_Blood.2x01.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV.part15.rar"]},{“name”:“Repair”,“actions”:["[The_Field_Of_Blood.2x01.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV] Repaired in 1 second"]}]}

Had a search through the full output from SAB when Drone does a check and the id “nzo_acpxns” doesn’t exit

Thats very odd, the only time that should happen is if drone sent SAB a nzb that contains an nzb (it would download the second nzb and create a new job, IIRC.

Does another download, successful or not have correctly matching IDs?

OK, checked the SAB logs, seems the file with the ID of acpxns was the same download, but I dont have the drone logs going back that far to check… This is what SAB said:

2014-06-14 20:50:40,575::DEBUG::[init:842] Saving data for SABnzbd_nzo_acpxns in D:\DL\ZB\The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV\ADMIN
2014-06-14 20:51:58,145::DEBUG::[init:842] Saving data for SABnzbd_nzo_acpxns in D:\DL\ZB\The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV\ADMIN

2014-06-14 20:51:58,302::DEBUG::[init:842] Saving data for SABnzbd_nzo_jhrl0j in D:\DL\ZB\The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV\ADMIN
2014-06-14 21:07:00,049::DEBUG::[init:842] Saving data for SABnzbd_nzo_jhrl0j in D:\DL\ZB\The Field Of Blood.2x01.720p HDTV x264-FoV\ADMIN

Maybe some kind over overlap and Drone only saw one version?

For some reason SAB switched the ID, would is an issue, but I’m not sure how or why, at this point, not sure what we can do beyond handling it regardless, which has its own issues.