Failed download not picked up

I had a failed download not be picked up. I am using NzbDrone Ver. on Windows 7 x64 SP1 with SABnzbd Version: 0.7.17. I have SABnzbd configured to use the API and have the three Failed Download Handling settings set to Yes.

A download was added to the SABnzbd queue from NzbDrone - the history item says it was grabbed from the indexer and sent to the download client.

In SABnzbd the download entry in history says » Unpacking failed, unable to find release-name.r04 . However, the only entry for the download in the NzbDrone history is the one sending it to SABnzbd, nothing about it failing.

I wasn’t sure what to look for in the logs. However, I did a search for the phrase “unable to find release-name.r04” and hope I have the right section:
14-4-7 11:39:44.2|Debug|FailedDownloadService|Yay! No encrypted downloads
14-4-7 11:39:44.3|Debug|SabnzbdProxy|http://localhost:8080/api?mode=history&start=0&limit=20&apikey=&output=json
14-4-7 11:39:44.3|Trace|SabnzbdProxy|Response: {“history”:{“uniconfig”:“C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SABnzbd\\interfaces\\Config\\templates”,“cache_size”:“0 B”,“active_lang”:“en”,“paused”:false,“session”:“4a82fc4e30c56cb58f5a68aeaa1a8537”,“restart_req”:false,“power_options”:true,“slots”:[{“action_line”:"",“show_details”:“True”,“script_log”:"",“meta”:null,“fail_message”:“Unpacking failed, unable to find release-name.r04”,“loaded”:false,“id”:2,“size”:“29 MB”,“category”:“nzbdrone”,“pp”:“D”,“retry”:1,“completeness”:0,“script”:“Default”,“nzb_name”:“Release-Name.nzb”,“download_time”:80,“storage”:“C:\\Directory\\complete”,“has_rating”:false,“status”:“Failed”,“script_line”:"",“completed”:1396840702,“nzo_id”:“SABnzbd_nzo_vtlknp”,“downloaded”:30415516,“report”:"",“path”:“C:\\Directory\\incomplete\\Release-Name”,“postproc_time”:0,“name”:“Release-Name”,“url”:“Release-Name”,“bytes”:30415516,“url_info”:"",“stage_log”:[{“name”:“Download”,“actions”:[“Downloaded in 1 minute 20 seconds at an average of 368 KB/s”]},{“name”:“Source”,“actions”:[“Release-Name”]},{“name”:“Unpack”,“actions”:["[release-name] Unpacking failed, unable to find release-name.r04"]},{“name”:“Repair”,“actions”:["[Release-Name] No par2 sets"]}]}],“speed”:“0 “,“helpuri”:“",“size”:"0 B”,“uptime”:“6h”,“total_size”:“8.8 G”,“month_size”:“8.8 G”,“my_home”:“c:\\Users\\username\\Documents”,“have_quota”:false,“week_size”:“2.4 G”,“version”:“0.7.17”,“new_rel_url”:””,“my_lcldata”:“c:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\sabnzbd”,“color_scheme”:“gold”,“diskspacetotal1”:“931.51”,“nt”:true,“status”:“Idle”,“last_warning”:“2014-04-07 11:18:22,392
ERROR:: unable to find “release-name.r04"”,“have_warnings”:“1”,“cache_art”:“0”,“sizeleft”:“0 B”,“finishaction”:null,“paused_all”:false,“quota”:“0 “,“newzbin_url”:“”,“new_release”:””,“pause_int”:“0”,“mbleft”:“0.00”,“diskspace1”:“873.45”,“pp_pause_event”:false,“darwin”:false,“timeleft”:“0:00:00”,“mb”:“0.00”,“noofslots”:1,“day_size”:“2.4 G”,“eta”:“unknown”,“diskspacetotal2”:“931.51”,“nzb_quota”:”",“loadavg”:"",“cache_max”:“209715200”,“kbpersec”:“0.00”,“speedlimit”:"",“webdir”:"",“left_quota”:"0 ",“diskspace2”:“873.45”}}
14-4-7 11:39:44.4|Debug|FailedDownloadService|Unable to find matching history item

Its the exact same issue as the last time you posted:

Perhaps SAB 0.7.17 is the issue, in any event SAB is not returning the proper ID when the release is sent to SAB, we’ll need to see debug logs of the release being added to know whether or not an ID was returned.

Please forgive my ignorance as I’m a new user to both NZBdrone and SAB. Can you please elaborate on which logs you need?

Log files are covered on the wiki: - you can either post the relevant portion of the log (the part that covers the download) to pastebin or post them online and send me a link. If you decide to send them all make sure the logs cover the time frame when it was sent to SAB (check history for when that was) and I’ll need to know the actual name, since its been obfuscated.

Specifically in the logs you’re looking for: Report sent to download client. followed by the release (nzb) name.

Thanks very much. I have sent you a link to the log file.

SAB returns the ID: SABnzbd_nzo_oq9od8 when its added to the queue, but the only failed download its picking up shows the ID: SABnzbd_nzo_iwzswm

This can happen when:

The original was removed and replaced by something manually grabbed
The original release was an nzb within an nzb and it got a new ID when the 2nd nzb was loaded - could be a bad indexer
SAB returns the wrong ID, which would be a bug on SAB’s side - I tested this scenario myself with 0.7.17 and don’t see it

I’d suggest trying a different indexer to see if you see the same behaviour there and making sure nothing else is trying to send nzbs to SAB, indexer watch lists, etc.

Thanks very much for looking into this and for testing the same version of SAB also.

I tried a different indexer and downloaded the NZB for the same release and it downloaded without any problems.