Failed Download Handling

I had a download fail tonight using SABnzbd but the file downloaded fine after I clicked Retry. I have Failed Download Handling setup in NzbDrone but instead of retrying the download it was added to the Blacklist. Perhaps someone could take a look at the print screen showing how I have Failed Download Handling setup and tell me what I did wrong.


If it was older than 2 hours or was retried more than 4 times it would be sent to the blacklist. Since yopu have it retrying 5 minutes later its only going to retry for 20 minutes, if the nzb hasn’t propagated by then it will get blacklisted and you will need to wait for another release.

The release was only 3 minutes old when it failed, likely do to propagation. So just to help me understand correctly will NzbDrone basically click the SABnzbd retry link for the failed download every 5 minutes for 4 times? So what I’m asking is will NzbDrone retry the failed release 4 times or will start searching for a new/different release immediately?


In this case, it will retry it (because its less than 2 hours old), The grace period, retry interval and retry count are all there to help deal with propagation issues, previously it would fail it immediately.

Assuming the propagation took longer than 20 minutes to be resolved this would have been blacklisted.

Thanks for taking the time to explain how it works. I’ll change the Retry Count to 10 which should take care of any future problems.

Thanks again

I cannot remember if i had the same issue as you but perhaps i am just lucky also but i have mine set at

Grace Period = 2 Hours
Retry Interval = 60 Mins
Retry Count = 2

This seems to work okay because i have the Retry Interval set at 1 hours so hopefully propogation can complete within one hour and then when i tries it again it can see it and grab as normal

I am not sure if i should change any of the above settings if someone has a suggestion please share it as i said above i have not kept watch on it to see if these settings have worked i have perhaps just been lucky to get files that have completed propagation by the time NzbDrone checks for them as i have this set at 50 Mins i did this initially to reduce API calls on sites where i do not have premium membership as you only get a few per day and by increasing time you spread them out a bit further each day

@protocol77 said:
I am not sure if i should change any of the above settings if someone has a suggestion please share it as i said above i have not kept watch on it to see if these settings have worked i have perhaps just been lucky to get files that have completed propagation by the time NzbDrone checks for them as i have this set at 50 Mins i did this initially to reduce API calls on sites where i do not have premium membership as you only get a few per day and by increasing time you spread them out a bit further each day

Setting this to 50 minutes doesn’t do anything API call wise, setting the RSS Sync internal to 50 minutes would use about 1/3 less calls than leaving it at 15 minutes, so about 33 instead of 96 a day.

Okay so I had another download fail in SAB and it was Blacklisted rather than retried. Here’s the timeline as listed in the History and Blacklist pages:

9:00 PM the History page shows a record for the release being grabbed

9:02 PM the History page shows a download failed record

9:02 PM the Blacklist page shows a record for the release

9:41 PM the History page shows a record for a different release of the same show being grabbed

I wonder, could it be an issue with the 2 hour grace period? The times I listed are all UTC - 5 so could NzbDrone think the release is outside the 2 hour grace period if it’s using UTC?

Dates internally are all UTC to drone, they’re just shown to you as UTC-5.

I found an issue in how we’re calculating the age, as it wasn’t taking the time of day into account (just the date), so it was pretty tough for a release to be detected as less than the grace period. Fixed in develop now, the age is also shown in the UI (for grabbed events).

Cool I’ll increase the grace period to 28 hours until the fix is pushed out.

Thanks for looking at and fixing this issue.