At times Sonarr downloads a torrent but cannot process it for different reasons, like its in rar format, its not a valid video (fake) etc.
I have read that with nzb there is failed download handling. Are you going to implement something like that for torrents as well, in case torrents are invalid for whatever reason and then download the second best release and blacklist the previous which didnøt work?
You could make it an option you could say yes/no to if you want it enabled?
I hope this is a good idea and that it would be possible to implement so you won’t have to check sonarr if it did download the newest episode of a TV show and doing some manual search, or blacklist and the automatically search.
This would make sonarr even more automated for people using torrents.
Thanks for listening and I hope its a good idea that other might find useful as well.
Currently you can manually blacklist failed torrents, but there is no automation on it, its something we’re looking at, but it would be for stalled torrents, RARed or other fake torrents would need to be handled manually.
Okay, would be nice if it would be handled in future but I guess its some manual work for now.
Lately I get several fake torrents for different tv shows from time to time (I guess because I didn’t check the “ranked” user section), anyhow this is from a recent log error:
DetectSample [F:\aportablegit\Finished\TV\The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E02.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4\The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E02.HDTV.x264-LOL.mp4] has a runtime of 0, is it a valid video file?
would be nice if those “runtime of 0” torrents would get automatically blacklisted. Those which have been downloaded usually also got some .lnk files in them as well. would be nice if those got blacklisted and deleted automatically from sonarr, as I haven’t seen any legit torrent which got this error and was legit.
Today I changed to only download from ranked members so I hope this will solve the issue, would be nice if it would be handled in case other user don’t check the download only from trusted/ranked users.