Failed Download Handling Error


I’ve set-up NzbDrone on Ubuntu Server, everything seems to be working fine except for failed downloads.

They are not detected and when I click the manual mark as failed button in history, I get this error.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

What download client are you using? Failed download handling is currently only available for SABnzbd (0.7+ I believe).

Manually marking it as failed should work, but it looks like there is an issue with it, I’ll address that.

I’m using SAB, version 0.7.11.

There isn’t any extra config that needs to be done at all?

No, but it sounds like SAB isn’t returning the ID, which means failed download handling will not process.

You can see the response that SAB returns when an item is queue when trace logging is enabled in drone and will look like:

Response: {"status":true,"nzo_ids":["SABnzbd_nzo_szf-lo"]} - the id will be different each time.

That’s what happens on screen when I manually click mark as failed.

Yeah, I’m aware of the issue, working on a fix. It will be included in the next release.

Great, thanks for the help.

OK manual failed download is now working, however automatic is no longer working.

Should I try and reinstall SAB? Is it likely to be an issue with SAB or with Drone?


Enable trace logging (in drone) and see what the output is when a new release is queued, if its not similar to what I posted above then its SAB, more than likely its SAB, but not sure what it could be,

I don’t see that output at all or anything similar when I queue a release.

I have reinstalled SAB completely now, still the same situation.

Really not sure what to do next.

You will need to enable trace logging in drone on Settings -> General and look at the log files instead of the log table (on the logs page use the option on the left side).

This is the only mention of Response: I can find in trace:

This is the error that reoccurs every minute:

This is what it looks like in the table:

Any ideas?

Looks like I introduced the error in the last release, but that’s a quick fix.

That’s the response from SAB, which is unexpected and does not allow for failed download handling. Not sure why SAB is returning that response for some setups.

Are you using the latest version of SAB?

Should I maybe try an older version?

I’m on 0.7.14, but I’m pretty sure they added this functionality when 0.7 came out.

I’ve upgraded SAB now and still get the same error.

I have a password and username on SAB would that effect anything at all?

I don’t see why it would, unless that causes the request to SAB to get screwed up and not return the correct format (which is what the result is). When you upgraded/re-installed did you use the same config? Can you try on another system with a brand new config? At least to test?

I tried with a completely new config and the same was occurring.

I have now completely reinstalled a fresh copy of Ubuntu 13.10 on the server and reset everything up fresh, the response from SAB is still just ‘ok’ for some reason.

Not sure what to try next.

Thanks for you help so far though.

Sounds like a bug/change with SAB, probably best to ask on their forums.

It should be returning json when &output=json is in the URL.