Error when toggling Season Monitored Status...[PUT] Bad Request: /api/series/11

New to NZBDrone and trying to learn. I have spend a couple days trying to figure this out without much luck. So here I am to ask. Hopefully I did not miss something obvious.

I am having this problem with a bunch of shows, but I will refer to America Ninja Warrior (ANW).

I add ANW no problem. I have the option checked to auto credit the folder which it does. I select starting season as season 6, the current.

It adds successfully and the folder is created. I then click into the show within NZBDrone and see the 6 seasons. Season 6 is monitored, the rest are not. Now I decide I want to monitor season 5, so I click the icon to monitor season 5 and I see the following error pop up in the bottom right corner: [PUT] Bad Request: /api/series/11

Viewing the logs I see the following everytime i see the PUT error: Invalid request Validation failed:
– Path is already configured as a root folder

This occurs with all the shows that I add if I try to change a season from monitors to unmonitored or the other way around.

Any thoughts?

I guess just to add a bit… If I select a new show and tell it to search for episodes it does work fine. Downloads, moves and renames them correctly.

Thanks in advance,


The folder that is set for that series is also configured as a root folder, either the series folder path is wrong and you should fix that first, or there is a root folder configured with the series path (instead of the path that contains the series folders) and you need to remove it, which you can do from Add Series -> Import existing

Many thanks for the reply…

At a bit of a loss here trying to understand the verbage. I am unsure what is meant by “configured as a root folder”. I don’t see an option to configure a root folder unless you mean the folder specified on a per show basis?

Currently I have ANW set to “M:\American Ninja Warrior” M: is a mounted network drive to a NAS Drobo

I also have a few other series setup and it seems to be about 50/50 if I have this problem or not. Each is pointed to the M:/seriesname


Thanks again,


Go to “Add Series” then click on “Import existing series on disk” do you see those same folders listed under recent folders?

Another issue:
If you have drone running as a service (the default way it runs on Windows), you’re likely to have issues with using a mapped drive at some point:

I read enough people having problems with the run as a service that I did switch so that it runs as an application as part of the start up. I was having the same problem regardless of using UNC or mapped drives.

Here are the folders from the import an existing… (apparently as a new user I cannot post image so here is a link)

[ ][1]

Remove the M:\American Ninja Warrior entry and you’ll be able to fix change the monitored status.

That does fix it… Many thanks!

Can you tell me what causes it to populate? I guess its a problem because I have added it manually when the directory already existed… I thinks I gets it…

Again thanks for the help!


I assume you added the M:\ANW folder then added M:\ and added the series. I can’t think of another way this would have happened.

I thought there was a check for this, but apparently something is missing.

Many Thanks Markus…

I had a few different issues I was trying to figure out… In the end I had a few shows already that were downloaded by SickBeard. When I setup Drone, I added ANW to M:\ANW. I had manually changed the folder from M:\ANW\ANW back to M:\ANW… So this would explain it.

I think when a show is added it should specify the folder to be created on your behalf. It is not obvious to a new user that the ANW directory is going to be created.

Things seem to be going great now though. Many thanks
