I see in my system health that I have a missing root folder. The wiki tells me to fix this, I add a new series. So I go to the series button and try to add a new series. I started by typing LOST, but get an error GET Service unavailable /api/services/lookup?
The log files give me this
14-12-29 16:52:01.5|Info|DbFactory|Vacuuming database
14-12-29 16:52:01.5|Info|DbFactory|Database Compressed
14-12-29 16:52:25.3|Warn|HttpClient|HTTP Error - Res: [GET] http://api.trakt.tv/search/shows.json/bc3c2c460f22cbb01c264022b540e191?query=lost&seasons=True : 503.ServiceUnavailable
{"status":"failure","error":"Trakt.tv is down for some major site and database updates. We'll be back on Monday morning (PST). Thanks for your patience, it will be worth it :)"}
14-12-29 16:52:30.1|Warn|DiskSpaceService|Unable to get free space for: \\\video
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: \\\video
at NzbDrone.Windows.DiskProvider.GetAvailableSpace(String path) in m:\BuildAgent\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Windows\DiskProvider.cs:line 29
at NzbDrone.Core.DiskSpace.DiskSpaceService.<GetDiskSpace>d__4.MoveNext() in m:\BuildAgent\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Core\DiskSpace\DiskSpaceService.cs:line 72
I see the TV Lookup site is down, is there any other way to fix the missing root directory?