Error support needed

I see in my system health that I have a missing root folder. The wiki tells me to fix this, I add a new series. So I go to the series button and try to add a new series. I started by typing LOST, but get an error GET Service unavailable /api/services/lookup?

The log files give me this

14-12-29 16:52:01.5|Info|DbFactory|Vacuuming database
14-12-29 16:52:01.5|Info|DbFactory|Database Compressed
14-12-29 16:52:25.3|Warn|HttpClient|HTTP Error - Res: [GET] : 503.ServiceUnavailable
{"status":"failure","error":" is down for some major site and database updates. We'll be back on Monday morning (PST). Thanks for your patience, it will be worth it :)"}
14-12-29 16:52:30.1|Warn|DiskSpaceService|Unable to get free space for: \\\video

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: \\\video
   at NzbDrone.Windows.DiskProvider.GetAvailableSpace(String path) in m:\BuildAgent\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Windows\DiskProvider.cs:line 29
   at NzbDrone.Core.DiskSpace.DiskSpaceService.<GetDiskSpace>d__4.MoveNext() in m:\BuildAgent\work\328d72309b633a8\src\NzbDrone.Core\DiskSpace\DiskSpaceService.cs:line 72

I see the TV Lookup site is down, is there any other way to fix the missing root directory?

Where does it say that? You can remove root folders via the add series page (under add existing), but if Sonarr can’t reach it you can’t add a series.

Based on the error Sonarr can’t reach that network share, does it require authentication?

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This is the exact same issue as: 2 Errors I am getting no need for a new thread.