I recently added a new RSS feed/indexer to Sonarr and am getting the following error for releases it finds -
> Couldn’t add report to download queue. {release name}: Invalid torrent file specified
Looking through the logs, it doesn’t seem to mention what download link it is actually trying to use. However, here is the structure of the RSS feed, is there something that could cause this problem there?
<title>{Some Show Title}</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 07 Jan 2016 04:43:33 +0000</pubDate>
<guid>{link to the torrent details/page}</guid>
<link>{link to the actual torrent file}</link>
Also, not sure if it would make a difference but I noticed there is a strangely formatted portion of the .torrent file link. It looks like this -
With the strange text for the SSL var at the end there (&SSL=1
). However if I manually copy and paste it into a browser it is able to download the .torrent file fine. I also tested manually adding that downloaded .torrent to uTorrent and it functioned fine.
Any clue what could be going wrong with Sonarr?
Edit: Some further detail from my logs:
MonoTorrent.TorrentException: Invalid torrent file specified ---> MonoTorrent.BEncoding.BEncodingException: Could not find what value to decode at MonoTorrent.BEncoding.BEncodedValue.Decode(RawReader reader) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\MonoTorrent\BEncoding\IBEncodedValue.cs:line 142 at MonoTorrent.BEncoding.BEncodedValue.Decode(Stream stream) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\MonoTorrent\BEncoding\IBEncodedValue.cs:line 99 at MonoTorrent.Torrent.Load(Stream stream, String path) in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\MonoTorrent\Torrent.cs:line 701 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Edit 2: I used Jackett with the indexer to do a manual search, and was able to add the torrent to download client (via Sonarr) that way without a problem. So, there doesn’t appear to be any issue with the actual .torrent files from the tracker. Seems to be a bug with however Sonarr is trying to fetch the .torrent from the info it parses in the RSS feed.