Error on Episode Pages

backbone.marionette.js : 257
Uncaught Error: Handler not found for ‘GetEpisodeFileById’

I am getting this constantly. I have the latest version. Any ideas?

What browser?

Most of these issues seem to be resolved by clearing the cache. The exact cause isn’t known just yet, but we have plans to make it less flaky.

Google Chrome. I will try cleaning the browser cache.

Still getting the errors after cleaning the cache

Same error?
What page are you getting it on?
What version of drone?
What browser?
Do you get the same error in another browser?

With Chrome 31.0.1650.57 I get the same error on all pages, as pop-ups.
IE 11 looks ok.
NzbDrone Ver.

and I tried clearing the cache again (shift f5)…seems to be OK.