Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.6.0 (mono-4.6.0-branch/746756c Thu Sep 8 05:39:12 EDT 2016)
OS: MacOS 10.7.5
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:
I am unable to add sabnzbd as a download client. The error I get is that the input string is not the correct format. When I put the sabnzbd api request into the browser with the key it returns the correct JSON. I’ve updated Mono to the latest version. I believe the URL is incorrectly formatted.
Any idea what I can do to correct this issue?