Error importing files i manually downloaded

New to the forums and did not find this topic in the search engine provided above so I am creating a post.

I am getting the following error when trying to import files into a series:

14-10-10 05:29:20.0|Warn|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Non-sample file detected: [E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 402 Fathers And Sons\St_Elsewhere_402_Fathers_And_Sons.avi]

Now I downloaded these files manually as the indexer did not categorize them in the TV series for some reason (probably has to do with how old the show is)

I am trying to import them through nzbdrone so i do not have to go through and rename them all manually.
Any assistance would be grateful.

Enable debug logs to see why the files were rejected for import, may be something like unknown series or drone couldn’t figure out what episode it is.

The debug shows the following.

14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|ParsingService|No matching episodes found for: stelsewhere - 209 SDTV v1

Does this mean the episodes are no showing up correctly?

Here is the whole block for this episode.

14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort’
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. stelsewhere - S02E09
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed:
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort folder quality: Unknown v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort’ for video files
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Analyzing 1/1 files.
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi’
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. stelsewhere - 209
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed:
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|ParsingService|No matching episodes found for: stelsewhere - 209 SDTV v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort’ for video files
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort’
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. stelsewhere - S02E09
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Unknown v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed:
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi’
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. stelsewhere - 209
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: SDTV v1
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed:
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort\St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Debug|SampleService|Special, skipping sample check
14-10-11 01:55:59.7|Warn|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Non-sample file detected: [E:\Downloads\complete\St Elsewhere 209 Aids And Comfort\St_Elsewhere_209_Aids_And_Comfort.avi]

Thanks for the logs.

Its the underscores in the name, if you replace them with spaces it should pick it up properly (the folder name is handled properly).

I’ll get a fix out for this later on though.

That did the trick.
I used windows power shell and navigated to my current directory and ran the following command and it did the trick.

Get-ChildItem -Filter "*_*" -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace '_',' '}

Once I did this NZBDrone automatically found the videos.

Thank you so much for your help.