It looks like my NZBDrone (Windows) has updated automatically and now is not working, I get the following error showing if I try to do a manual upgrade and if I try to run it I get the same error RE RelativePath
I’m working with someone on this right now, I’ll provide an update when I have more info, but for now would you be able to PM me a copy of your database? Preferably the backup prior to the migration:
How can I send a PM on this forum? Or do you have an email address I can send it to? Is there anyway for now I can revert to an older version and stop the auto upgrade? Can I change this value in the config file to stop the upgrade BuiltIn if so what to?
Should be able to under my name now, new accounts aren’t allow by default.
You can revert, but there is no way to disable to automatic updates on Windows. It is only given as an option for non-Windows due to the timing of the updater release.
Thats a develop build, this was an issue with some users on the master branch. You can see the available updates on System → Updates - is the latest develop release at the moment.