Episodes stuck on downloading 100%

They were downloaded and extracted fine, to the normal folder. But ND doesn’t see them and shows they’re still downloading, thus not sorting them.

With Drone Factory everything works flawlessly.

ND -
FF 30
Win 7 x64 SP1
Completed Download Handling - Enabled

Trace logs are required to troubleshoot this.

Some things to check are:

  • exact same category name (case sensitive)
  • path reported by SAB is accessible from drone
  • completed path SAB reports is not a child or parent of the drone factory folder
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The only processing I see happening in SAB shows a script running (SingleExtract.bat) that moves the file and delete a folder. Drone will look for any files in the path that SAB reports the release was extracted to in this case: d:\\USENET\\DOWNLOADED\\Release.Name.S07E11.HDTV.x264-KILLERS If that script is moving it from there, the import will fail.

I’m seeing: 14-7-15 14:22:03.7|Trace|CompletedDownloadService|Storage path does not exist: Release.Name.S07E11.HDTV.x264-KILLERS - as suspected it is being moved and drone is unable to process it.

I’m replaced the actual series title with Release.Name, but otherwise it has been unchanged.

This is my sab setup. As I understand it, the releases should be extracted to d:~!!!TV!!!~ and ND will scan that folder. Am I wrong?

markus, the sab api reports two distinct paths. “path” is the temporary one, “storage” is the output path which is used as storage path in nzbdrone.

But my guess is that the script messes up the output, probably doesn’t properly respect the job folder that was generated.

You were right. After I’ve set script to “none”, everything works.

Thank you.

Right, thanks SAB. I feel like I cheated to get the right answer now :smile:

Awesome, thanks for letting us know.

I’m also having this problem and have followed the steps, but it’s no better.

In my situation, I downloaded a season of 20 episodes. They got passed to sabnzdb (0.7.18), which then downloads and states it’s completed successfully for all of them. However, I’ve 3 episodes that have remained in the temporary location before being moved to the final location using ‘Completed Download Handling’. When checking nzbdrone (, the progress bar is stuck at 100%.

This is the second season it’s happened on. The first time, I manually moved and renamed the files, scanned the drive, watched the shows and deleted them. Throughout all of this, nzbdrone is stuck on 100% for those few episodes.

If you need any screenshots or any particular info, please let me know.

@WannabeMKII We need trace logs from drone. (we will always need logs for troubleshooting issues).

Did 17 of 20 episodes import properly? This isn’t clear to me, but it sounds like of 20, 3 were left behind.

Manually renaming them would have drone see as both downloaded (file imported) and downloading (because it wasn’t imported properly).

Hi markus101. I’ve enabled trace, what exactly do you need to see so I can be sure to copy and paste the correct info?

Apologies for the ambiguity, yes, 3 were left behind and 17 imported perfectly.

In the meantime, I just wanted to show the following 3 entries that appear to be consistently in my logs?

Trace logs will show the output from SAB’s history as well as an attempt to process the items in it.

Those 3 errors are already fixed in develop and unrelated to the importing issue.

Do I post up the entire file here, as it’s a big file with lots of info, or can I message you directly? I’m just concerned on the level of info / content potentially available without going through thousands of lines? I don’t know if it displays API’s, passwords etc…

Is there a way to grab the latest version, or will it be pushed eventually?

Pastebin or Dropbox (or any other cloud storage) and pm me a link.

Yes, it will be pushed eventually, just some big changes we’re making sure are working properly.

I’ve just PM’d you with a link.

If you can let me know if you get it and can open it OK?

@WannabeMKII - the files names are hashed, you will need to fix them so the import can succeed (make them match the folder name and they should import w/o issue).

This would be an issue with the drone factory as well, the next release will show why it failed to import in the queue in drone.

Sorry, stupid question, but where do I see they’re hashed and is there a work around this?

Look at the filename on disk, the only work around is the rename the filename to match the folder name so drone can figure out which episode the file is (sorry I wasn’t clear enough in my last post).

OK, thanks markus101!

I moved 2 posts to a new topic: Import rejects yymmdd date format in filename of daily show