I recently changed my quality profile to download the bluray rip when it became available and it has updated many series. The problem is I see it updating the same series multiple times. As an example, I just downloaded Season Four of The Walking Dead from bluray. When I restarted the computer this morning, the status says it is HDTV and it started to download the entire season again.
Why would the marked quality change after a restart?
Possibly drone wasn’t able to see the files when it did a refresh, then they were available again later, but the quality isn’t part of the file name so it defaulted to the extension (.mkv = HDTV 720p).
Other than that I can’t think of a reason why it would change and it definitely wouldn’t change it on its own (it doesn’t change it after it was added to the DB).
How are your drives connected so that drone can see them? Local disk, USB, network share?
I figured out the problem thanks to your reply. The only shows this was happening to were ones that were being renamed by my XBMC scrapper to move any beginning articles (The, A, An) to the end of the file name. This would in turn tell nzbdrone that the file was not there anymore and a new one would be downloaded. I turned off the auto rename and everything seems to be working fine.