Episode only found by manual search

I’ve been having trouble with one show for a few weeks now. The name of the show is Schitt’s Creek. It never gets automatically downloaded. It’s found when I do a manual search, and there is no red exclamation mark beside it.

If I click the download button, the ep is downloaded, renamed, moved with no problem. I wasn’t able to find anything in the log that might show why this is happening.

Could it perhaps be the apostrophe that is causing the issue? Any ideas how to fix this would be appreciated.

I have the same show and its working fine. My series page in Sonarr shows the apostrophe but the show url is:


Could be the way the show is named on the indexers you use?

Did you add the series manually (it already existed) or did you let Sonarr find it and add it by searching for the title in the “Add Series” pane.

I added it through Add Series.

Strangely enough, when I go to Wanted, and click search all missing, it starts to download.

So, maybe the show isn’t showing up in the RSS feed correctly?

Is this the only show you’re having issues with?

Which indexers are you using?

It’s happened occasionally with other shows, but this one’s consistent.

I’m using the-indexer-that-shall-not-be-named for my indexer. That’s the only one.

Is the download failing (shown in Sonarr’s history)?

THat or the item wasn’t on the RSS feed while Sonarr was online is all I suggest to look at.

No. It doesn’t fail. It doesn’t download at all. Strange. I’ll have to try and catch the RSS feed next time it airs. I’m guessing it’s in the feed, but the title is mangled in some way because of the apostrophe.

Sonarr doesn’t care about the apostrophe, you’d have the same issue with manual search in that case.

Debug logs during the RSSS sync you show you why.