Episode naming problem

Hi, I’ve some problem on naming scheme.

My scheme is
{Series Title} - {season:00}x{episode:00} - {Episode Title}

But sonarr rename in this way
Castle (2009) - 08x07 - The Last Seduction

But my expectation is
Castle - 08x07 - The Last Seduction

There’s any way to remove the years from the series title?
I do something wrong?

There is another show with the same name which came before the 2009 show that you have. See http://thetvdb.com/?string=castle&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search

In that case the year is added to be able to tell the difference, so sonarr is working as expected. Other shows with unique names will not have the year in your naming scheme.

Yep, I see

But, there’s also others series, so I want to take the “italian” titles. There is any way to take only some language?

Like, for example, if I use filebot to rename the episode, I can force one language, if that language is not available the english one is taken.

I hope I explained myself in a right way

At the moment sonarr uses/requires the english metadata (series info, episode summaries, …) from thetvdb. So you will not be able to tell sonarr that you have downloaded the italian version, and can’t make sonarr rename the files to include the italian episode titles…

Ok tnx, I hope that in future this option will be added

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