Episode import fails when folder is complete series and some episodes already present

I notice that sonarr pays more attention to folder names than to file names, and this results in episodes not getting imported. I used to use sickbeard and it would pick any files regardless of folder naming.

A folder named “Star.Trek.Deep.Space.Nine.S05.NTSC.DVD.DD5.1.x264-JCH” was downloaded.
In the folder is a file named "Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e04 - Nor The Battle To The Strong NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv"
That episode is missing, and I want it to be imported.
The logs show:

15-4-28 09:51:29.5|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star.Trek.Deep.Space.Nine.S05.NTSC.DVD.DD5.1.x264-JCH’ for video files
15-4-28 09:51:29.5|Debug|DiskScanService|3 video files were found in D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star.Trek.Deep.Space.Nine.S05.NTSC.DVD.DD5.1.x264-JCH
15-4-28 09:51:29.6|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Analyzing 3/3 files.

15-4-28 09:51:29.8|Debug|UpgradeSpecification|This file isn’t an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star.Trek.Deep.Space.Nine.S05.NTSC.DVD.DD5.1.x264-JCH\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e04 - Nor The Battle To The Strong NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv

Thus the episodes contained in the folder never get imported.

If I move the files to the root folder, they are also not imported because the root folder is not detected as a valid show name.

15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in D:\Transfer\Complete\Series
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH’
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. startrekdeepspacenine - S05E22
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: DVD v1
15-4-28 09:58:39.4|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: JCH
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Analyzing 1/1 files.
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv’
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. startrekdeepspacenine - S05E22
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: DVD v1
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: JCH
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Size: 733508401
15-4-28 09:58:39.5|Debug|VideoFileInfoReader|Getting media info from D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv
15-4-28 09:58:39.6|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Series’
15-4-28 09:58:39.6|Debug|Parser|Unable to parse Series
15-4-28 09:58:39.6|Debug|VideoFileInfoReader|Getting media info from D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv
15-4-28 09:58:39.7|Debug|DetectSample|Runtime is over 90 seconds
15-4-28 09:58:39.7|Debug|UpgradeSpecification|This file isn’t an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv

So it seems that in order to import these shows I have to manually create a folder matching the file name.
Is there not a way to tell sonarr to import by file name and not by folder name?


The issue isn’t the folder, its the fact that the episodes aren’t an upgrade for the episodes already present in Sonarr:

This file isn't an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star.Trek.Deep.Space.Nine.S05.NTSC.DVD.DD5.1.x264-JCH\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e04 - Nor The Battle To The Strong NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv


This file isn't an upgrade for all episodes. Skipping D:\Transfer\Complete\Series\Star Trek Deep Space Nine s05e22 - Children Of Time NTSC DVD x264 DD5.1-JCH.mkv

You are right, I double checked the current episode state, and the older logs, and some of the episode have in fact been imported.
My bad, I noticed this problem two days ago, still saw the files this morning, and in the mean time an auto search already imported the same episodes.

Is there a config to delete files and folders instead of leaving them behind, even in this case where the same or better quality media is already present?

No, we want those cases to be handled by the user, just in case Sonarr didn’t get the correct quality from the file.

We do plan on making that easier though.