Enabling SSL in Freenas

Has anyone succesfully gotten Sonarr to work with HTTPS/SSL in freenas (either in your own custom jail or the official plugin jail)? I’ve been unsuccesful so far.

I’ve created my own self signed certificates which work great for sabnzbd/couchpotato. I converted the pem key to pvk, used httpcfg to add the pvk and cert file. After restarting sonarr I get no response on port 9898, although SSL shows as on in the settings. “httpfcg -list” shows port 9898 with a thumbprint.

In the Freenas plugin, the openssl version is 0.9.8za. I tried using the windows pvk convertor listed in the sonarr wiki as well as installing the freebsd pvk package and using that.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas that would be great!

Does Sonarr show its listening on HTTPS in the logs (it will show on startup)?

You ran httpcfg as the same user that is running Sonarr?

Woops, I was running httpcfg as root. I setup a home directory for the user account that sonarr is running as (was previously /nonexistant), then ran httpcfg, and now I see the pvk/cert files in .config/.mono/httplistener of the home directory, and they show up with “httpcfg -list” under the sonarr account.

Unfortunately, after restarting sonarr, I’m still not getting a connection on port 9898. The logs show:

15-5-25 14:10:48.5|Info|Bootstrap|Starting Sonarr - /usr/pbi/sonarr-amd64/share/sonarr/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe - Version
15-5-25 14:10:49.0|Info|AppFolderInfo|Data directory is being overridden to [/var/db/sonarr]

15-5-25 14:10:50.1|Info|OwinHostController|Listening on the following URLs:
15-5-25 14:10:50.1|Info|OwinHostController| http://:8989/
15-5-25 14:10:50.1|Info|OwinHostController| https://

The firefox message is:

Secure Connection Failed
The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading.

I may need to repeat some various pvk steps. The pvk I’m using was generated from the Freebsd pvk package, and not the win32 binary listed on the sonarr wiki.

I’m starting to think that mono is not able to find the pvk/cert files placed by httpcfg into ~/.config/.mono/httplistener/ so even though sonarr is listening on the port, the necessary files aren’t being loaded. This is likely a subtle issue with the FreeNAS plugin setup and not sonarr/mono itself.

I turned on trace debug logs, but on startup I don’t see any obvious errors related to finding the pkv/cert from mono. Is there a way to tell if mono is actually finding these files succesfully?

I’ve never tried to use anything other than the Windows pvk tool, are you able to try that? mono was really picky when I was going through the initial setup (on Ubuntu).

I’m not sure if there is any extra logging that can be enabled to diagnose it further.