I just started a new installation of sonar. I am using “https://sonarr.tv/#downloads-v3-linux-ubuntu” to install. I finished everything and did “sudo apt install sonarr” and I got “E: Unable to locate package sonarr”
Seems you missed steps then.
Probably didn’t add the repo or it failed and you didn’t read the error message
you mean starting with:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 2009837CBFFD68F45BC180471F4F90DE2A9B4BF8?
Here is the whole block before installing sonarr:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 2009837CBFFD68F45BC180471F4F90DE2A9B4BF8
echo "deb https://apt.sonarr.tv/ubuntu focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sonarr.list
sudo apt update
The one starting with ‘echo’ might be a problem
I would help if you just told me where the location of package sonarr is so I can keep going.
Does sonarr exist in apt sources? Doesn’t sound like it from your error.
I sent the entire thing but, apparently, its now been deleted so my next question is; what is my error?
No one can possibly know your error without the additional information requested. But based on the generic sonarr not found. Sonarr’s apt Repo is probably not added
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