DSM - Confusion over Sonarr versions

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: DSM 6.2.3-25426
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue: Confusion over Sonarr versions

I need some help understanding how to update Sonarr. My package manager on my synolgy NAS constantly tells me that Sonarr is out of date. However if I go into Sonarr to the update section it shows the latest version is installed. I wan’t the click the update button through Synology but am worried it’s going to mess up my current setup.

Package manger shows installed version is: 20190320-15
Package manger shows latest version is: 20200409-16
Sonarr is showing latest version and installed version is:

Thanks in advance :beers:

The Sonarr package for DSM is not maintained by us, they do their own version.

The DSM package has it’s own version, sometimes it’s updated to fix something with the package, sometimes for updating the underlying Sonarr version. It’s probably the same version of Sonarr, possibly with another change as well.

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