Drone not showing all releases when doing manual (and automatic) search

I’ve noticed in the past couple of days I’ve been lucky to only get 1 result when doing a manual search (And presumably automatic searching as well)

I enabled trace debugging and noticed that almost everything is being filtered. In this example I am only getting 1 result when there is a clearly several more valid results being sent by newznab.


I am using the Develop branch.

What OS is drone running on?
What version of drone?
What culture/language is your system set to?
Which indexer(s) are you using?

I don’t see a case in the code where it would parse a result and reject it before processing it and not log an error.

OS: Windows 8.1
Drone Version:
Language: English Australia
Indexer: NZB MegasearcH with 7 providers

Let me know if you need any more info.

Could you try adding a couple providers directly to drone and searching with Megasearch disabled?

Few things:

  1. Hell on Wheels 2014 is utterly wrong, looks like QoQ is adding the season year,which is crazy.

  2. Please enter the url in your browser.
    Check the <guid> fields of the results. I suspect they’re the same. If there aren’t <guid> fields lemme know too.

I tested OzNZB directly and its worked fine so it looks like the issue is specific to MegasearcH.

MegasearcH is giving all the same GUIDs.

<guid isPermaLink="true">http://bogus.gu/bog</guid>

<newznab:attr name="guid" value="123456" />

The issue appears to have popped up recently as I’ve been using MegasearcH for at least 6 months now.

In a recent version we started to identify releases by guid (either the provided one or randomly generated).
Since then we’re also combining search results with the same guid. This particularly helps when we have to hit the search api with multiple different queues to get all results for a odd show/indexer.

So this should be easily sorted if MegasearcH generates a random GUID instead of the fixed 123456?

If so, that should be pretty painless.

Yes, adding a random guid in Megasearch is the best option. But some indexers simply put the nzb download url in there, others the link to the info site. I rarely see a real Guid.
As long as it’s unique.

I fixed the MegasearcH end and sent them a PR: https://github.com/pillone/usntssearch/pull/138

Here are the search results after adding unique a UUID to each MegasearcH result https://pastebin.com/G5q1jx48

Thanks for the help :smile: