Drone factory - Skipping episodes

Hi guys

is there any specific reason as to why certain downloaded episodes will not be picked up and processed via the Drone factory folder?
have about 4/5 shows currently ( NCIS Los angeles, CSI Las Vegas and a few others), which just doesnt move to the correct folders.

logging has the following ( if i need to enable debug, and retest, please let me know)


Thank you



System.NotSupportedException: The given path's format is not supported. The source file name looks right, the destination must be wrong, either the folder or filename is invalid.

Trace logging shows the most detail, enable it and capture the failed import.

very strange though.

verified one of the shows. destination as configured for the show is correct ( working towards an SMB share in the format
\\storage\series\CIS Los angeles for example.)

Client is on windows and server is UNraid ( Linux / SMB)
only doing this for some of the shows - eg about 5/30 episodes wont transfer, and seems to repeating on some shows.

i had complete failures when using a source folder as a mapped network drive - not sure if related though.

trace enabled. log as per below link

thank you for your commitment!

possible clue - all shows seems to contain a colon *** : *** in the show name, which is an invalid character in folder names.

eg show name for above is NCIS: Los Angeles, but file is “NCIS Los Angeles - 5x13” and folder as indicated above.

“\\storage\series\CIS Los angeles\CIS Los Angeles Season 5”

Service’s don’t have access Mapped Network Drives, the other option is to use

Looks like we never show the destination path, thats a bit of an issue. I’ll make an update to dev and get that in for the next release, hopefully later today/tomorrow.

Drone should be handling shows with colon’s properly, replacing them with a dash ‘-’.

I saw a similar issue when my naming format was incorrect and was leaving a naming token in the file name (but I would expect that to cause issues with everything), could you post a screenshot of you naming settings (with advanced turned on)?

screenshot follows:

Looks fine to me, I’ve added logging of the destination path name to hopefully show why this is occurring, so far I can’t think of a reason why it would be an issue. is the latest release and will log both the source and destination file names prior to the move. Once updated (either automatically or via System) please capture another trace log of the move.

Ok updated to the latest version.
seems like the “:” is the issue…


Oh I see what the issue its, its the series title in the season path not being cleaned first. I’ll get that fixed up ASAP.

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

is a pleasure :slight_smile:

good luck in getting it resolved - will let you know if its fixed

Should be fixed in the release from yesterday