Drone Factory is Deprecated [unrar]

Thnaks for that, I was wondering what the differnce was between -eq & -match. Couldn’t work it out from my google searches :flushed:

The episodes successfully import into Sonarr but I’m getting this message in my Sonarr log:

External directory scan request for unknown download 8f925c36b5c9514c8a96a4bfdd9d6e67ed36b23c, attempting normal import. [D:\Down\downloads\tv############.mkv

Is this OK?

I checked, the infohash must be upper case: 'downloadClientId' = $InfoHash.ToUpper() should do it.

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Awesome! It’s this bit of code in your script?

$command = @{
‘name’ = “DownloadedEpisodesScan”
‘path’ = $FilePath
’importMode’ = ‘Move’
‘downloadClientId’ = $InfoHash.ToUpper()
} | ConvertTo-Json

yup, that’s what I meant.

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