Drone Factory Interval

How does the interval set for Drone Factory Interval actually work?
Will it scan every minute (default) regardless if there is any down-loader activity or does it check for example NZBGet and then scan every minute (until processed)?

If it always scans, why can’t it be triggerd from NZBget? Since it can read download progress it should also know when a download is finished?

Having a check every minute isn’t very HDD friendly :wink:

It checks every minute, this will be changed very shortly, if you want to disable it and rely on a script in nzbget to trigger the import, you can (as explained on the wiki): https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Disable-Drone-Factory-Folder-Scanning

I’d suggest looking at Google’s and Backblaze’s studies on hard drives, it has more to do with the manufacture than anything else. I’ve been running drone for about 3 years (v1 then v2) and have not had a hard drive fail due to scanning every minute and I’ve been using the same hard drive for the drone factory folder the entire time.

Thanks for explaining. I always thought that it only scans when download was in progress.
Regarding HDD, i’ll do some reading. Also thought it would decrease lifetime.

I should add, my drone factory folder lives on the same drive as the OS, which means its pretty much awake all the time anyways.

Some big changes are coming to the import process, which will reduce disk scanning: https://trello.com/c/zk4LawTc/697-import-using-download-client-api

I agree with @schumi2004 on the part where he says that it’s strange that it (NZBDrone) needs to scan this dir even though it appears to get its info directly from the NZBGet api.

Will Drone still work like it does not when I set this value to something like 120? So, when I add files to the drone factory manually it will be picked up every 2 hours, but downloads are picked up as soon as they finish in NZBGet? (Or doesn’t it work that way now? And are downloads from NZBGet picked up when scanning the dir?)

@markus101 said:
I should add, my drone factory folder lives on the same drive as the OS, which means its pretty much awake all the time anyways.

Mine is also on the same drive as the OS it is a spare Laptop 120Gb drive i had i am not sure if the scanning every minute does cause damage to the drive but for now it is not a concern because i plan to swap the drive for a SSD when i rebuild my server

And i am no expert but i assume apart from the downloading and extracting to a drone factory folder on a SSD the scanning and then moving the files if some are detected would be Reads which as far as i am aware read do not shorten Life on a SSD only Writes Do

besides i am using Drone Factory Interval on Develop Branch and i have set mine at 60 Minutes by the time i get to watch the shows that have been downloaded it has been more than an hour so at least setting it to scan once an hour is a good way to reduce it without having it off completely