Downloads not added to sabnzb

OK, so I setup Sonarr and added all my existing shows. I then went in to the missing shows and added a dozen or so recent episodes. My sabnzd runs on a separate machine in my LAN (, which I added and tested. I have the API key from sabnzb filled in.

When Sonarr tries to queue up a file it never appears in sabnzd and after a while the “Downloading” status on the episodes changes to and error “Episode missing from disk.”

If I go back into the settings, Download client, and choose the sabnzbd I setup and client test I get a blue dot and “Testing sabnzbd complete” appears in the popup.

Running under OS X with Mono 4.2

OK. I r dumb.

The episodes it was trying to download where torrents, not nzb files. And…

Well, yeah, forgot to setup uTorrent. Doh!

Leaving this hear just in case someone else is this stupid. Sigh.

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